Monday, October 13, 2008


It has been 4 weeks since the Lewis & Clark Marathon and I have maintained my training intensity and race running. As the marathon was cut short (10 miles) it was necessary to quickly review my go-forward race plan and adjust my training programme accordingly.

My mid term major goal is to run the Memphis Marathon on December 6th seeking a time of sub 3:00:00. As a build up to improving on my Lewis & Clark base of training I quickly got back to running 70 miles-plus weeks and to sharpen my speed I ran 4 races over the last four weekends.

Brentwood 5K 19:59 (6th overall, 1st in age group)

SLU Ambulance Chase 5K 19:47 (3rd overall, 1st in age group)

Strides 4 Kids 5K 19:33 (4th overall, 1st in age group)

Run Out of the Darkness 10K 40:03 (3rd overall, 1st in masters group)

Now it is down to more hard work and 3 more weeks of piling on quality miles. I plan to run the Clayton Police Half marathon on November 2nd, looking to run sub 1:25:00, then complete the final 4 weeks of training before Memphis.

David Carruthers 13th October 2008

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